Listporns is an amateur listporns site run by a couple whose dating partnership is owned and maintained by their actual spouses. They have been running this Listporns site for over 10 years and have filmed all of their content during this dating period without any outside help. The focus is on Mandy, a sexy, blue-eyed, busty mature brunette who loves swinging and not just with men. She loves men with big cocks from all backgrounds, but she also loves the taste of pussy and her husband loves watching her taste it too. This ListPorns site of her currently contains 130 dating videos and 159 dating photos of her. Most of his photos are displayed at around 600 x 800 size. Here you will find all dating photo gallery downloads. Dating videos are only available in Listporns format, but the best download dating available is only on Listporns. The Listporns website is updated twice a week, and its content does not appear to be subject to his Listporns restrictions. Listporns is just the latest in a long line of dating sites for men and women we’ve seen this year, and I don’t remember any of them being poor. They all had such good or better relationships that there was a lot of pressure on his ListPorns site to produce the goods. However, there are some signs that there were areas that needed urgent improvement for this Listporns site to compete with others, but in general, this site is of high quality, active, and mature. It’s a hardcore Listporns site and dating listporns are doing a really good business. But the main problem is that the dating videos on Listporns are not of sufficient quality for today’s market. It’s been around for 10 years, but now it needs an update. Very few dating sites offer such low-quality dating videos as their only option. The dating site rivals the ListPorns site in that it’s packed with great content that takes on Mandy’s eventful adventures and shows off a variety of different types of scenes. Interracial, group sex, lesbians, fetishes, and more – this ListPorns site covers a lot of good topics. I had no trouble navigating on listporns at all, except for the video viewing option. This was the missing porn list, so why doesn’t the page show any information when I click on the video? However, the updates were very thorough, and generally, the scene descriptions and photo date galleries were also very detailed. I’d like to see content categorized as well, but overall it’s pretty quiet. However, Listporns is a great listporn site for married couples and has a large dating archive that makes it seem like it’s well-chosen. I was hoping that in 10 years I would have a bigger collection than this. But I enjoyed this site, and I think there’s a lot of good stuff here.