Local escorts love sex buddies, especially when they’re as hot as this chocolate-colored black beauty! Her name is Local Escort, but I call her the world’s best personal local escort machine because every time a local escort calls her to jerk off, she shows up right away! You can enjoy this video from their last hand fuck session at Local Escorts. Local escorts and local escorts always have an understanding. When either one needs affection, they must pick up the phone or show up at the doorstep of the other’s house. Tonight Local Escort is desperate for some relief, so he calls Local Escort, and she seems to be a good friend and shows up right away and starts working on Joey’s big cock. She pulls out his crazy white cock and stretches and pumps it with all her might while Local Escorts moans above her. This ebony babe is a smooth chick and begs her boyfriend to cum on her black tits, which he eagerly accepts. The duo’s fun continues as she wraps both hands around the white cock, twisting it back and forth, then slips her hand under the shaft to play with Joey’s balls. She picks up the pace of her stroking while biting her bottom lip, and just before he comes, she performs a triple maneuver by squeezing him between her breasts, stroking him, and sucking him until he explodes.