You’ll be on the verge of exploding when you feel your local escorts massaging your veiny long cock with their hands while gently sucking your glans in this sensational local escorts cock sucking video. She wants your warm cum with her local escorts and will use every tactic she knows to get exactly what she wants. Her local escorts focus on your throbbing glans and swirl her tongue around the opening of the tip while she enjoys your cum. Then she uses her hands and local escorts at the same time to make you cum in her mouth. Local escorts want your cum. That’s why she holds your cock in one hand and local escorts throbbing with your mushroom tip. The slender beauty with a mouth pushes her figure between your legs and looks up at you while teasing the tip of your cock with her tongue. She knows this is your sweet spot and hitting it from every angle is sure to send shockwaves up and down your spine. Then her tongue leaves a trail of saliva as it travels down from your cock to your testicles and the moment it lands on your testicles you tense up and try not to cum right away. Making your testicles tense is just encouragement for her to keep doing what she’s doing so she continues to lick your testicles while stroking your cock and then she grabs the base of your cock with her right hand and gives it a hard squeeze while stroking your cock. Up and down. Her local escorts finds her way back to the tip of your cock and she holds on tight and won’t let go until you’ve dumped your creamy cum into her warm mouth!
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