Female Escorts presents a steady stream of horny Listporns pornstars who are really into getting their throats fucked. That’s a good thing because there are plenty of guys who want to do it with them! These female escorts girls are getting pounded by cocks with oversized meat shafts until they can’t breathe, but that doesn’t stop them from stuffing more cock down their throats! This Listporns site currently contains 38 image galleries and 38 videos, which are also accompanied by screenshot galleries. The pictures here are sized and include screenshots. The photo galleries are also available as downloads. The videos can be downloaded or streamed in Flash and MP4 formats and are usually best viewed. The Listporns site is no longer updated. Some people have a gag reflex that causes them to start choking when something comes near their mouth. Such people are not much used to gagalicious. These female escorts girls are the exact opposite, and they only gag and spit when the cock is halfway down their throats. I never really knew if a content site like this was targeting the blowjob market or the extreme porn market or both. Whatever side you’re on, I think you’ll like this. It seems to be a relatively new site and has a fairly small collection of content (it’s been around for 2-3 months I think), but the action is very good and the female escorts are well-selected. I think most people wish that a list porn site like this had something like female escorts. So it’s going very well, and there are 7 female escorts sites on board, that is, female escorts, making it very worthwhile as well. The navigation here follows a very familiar pattern that’s used on dozens of websites now, and to be honest, it works just as well here as it does elsewhere. Access to the website’s content is also very easy. You probably don’t need categories for her content, but they provide them anyway. All in all, pretty good stuff. This site seemed like it was shaping up to be a very good extreme hardcore blowjob site. There isn’t a lot of content yet, and I know more won’t be added, but that’s a shame. That is the main issue with this site, but there are other factors to consider, such as the number of female escorts websites displayed. It is worth a look.